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i-Con Innovation Challenge: solving key challenges for the built environment

Let's get sharing our challenges, ideas and solutions - fast!

Virtual matchmaking is a quick and easy way to meet potential project partners so you can share and discuss the challenges you are facing with providers of ideas, expertise, products or solutions.

Here's how to do it: 

1. Register 

Start by registering using the "Register now" button. This requires you to register for any future matchmaking session you may wish to have with a potential partner.  

    2. Publish a matchmaking profile 

    Create a clear and concise matchmaking profile to so that others can easily identify your challenges or offer you solutions or expertise.

    Challenge holders
    - use your profile to describe your business or organisation and the current key challenges you are looking to solve with new and innovative solutions.

    Solution providers
    - your profile should describe who you are, your experience and what ideas, knowledge, expertise, products or solutions you can bring to the party.

    Please ensure your profile fully describes your challenge or solution.  Profiles may be rejected that solely promote an existing solution that has not been tailored to challenges in construction as a result of Covid-19, or that do not contain sufficient information.

    3. Search the matchmaking catalogue

    Use the matchmaking catalogue to quickly search for cooperation partners who could potentially work with you to help the built environment respond to the challenges that COVID-19 has presented.

    4. Send & receive discussion requests

    Be active not reactive!  Send messages through the platform to start discussions or host a virtual meeting via the platform.  Adding a meaningful note explaining why you are interested in a conversation to increase virtual meeting acceptances.

    Discussion request rules

    • Everybody can send messages to everyone
    • Incoming virtual meeting requests have to be accepted by the recipient for a live conversation to be scheduled

    5. Complete an i-Con Innovation Challenge Fund Application with your chosen partner 

    Once you have established a match with your chosen partner, complete a Stage 1 application together here, if you need funding to support this.  For more information go to the i-Con Challenge Fund page on this website.  


    Closed since 31 March 2021
    Organised by
    Participants 102
    Meetings 20
    United Kingdom 103
    Ireland 2
    Australia 1
    India 1
    Germany 1
    Spain 1
    Italy 1
    Total 110
    Product/Systems Supplier 28
    Service Provider e.g. digital 26
    University/College 17
    Professional Services e.g. engineers, surveyors, consultants 17
    Other 7
    R&D Institution 4
    Lead Contractor 3
    Subcontractor 3
    Local Authority 2
    Skills and Training Provider 2
    Knowledge/Expertise 1
    Total 110