Do you have a major challenge with your work practices, workforce, build projects or business resilience caused by COVID-19?
Are you a solutions developer, service or product/systems provider with close to market ideas that could help the Scottish construction sector right now or with recovery?
Have you developed solutions for other circumstances or sectors which could quickly be adapted to help current construction industry challenges?
i-Con Innovation Challenge is an open innovation platform and call created to assist the built environment sector face the major challenges caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. The initiative connects the industry into new expertise, solutions and funding.
This platform allows public and private sector organisations, trade associations
and the wider construction sector to identify key challenges and opportunities and for academic and industry experts to step
forward with solutions, get talking and collaborating.
CSIC launched the i-Con Challenge Fund in April 2020 with a deadline for applications of June 2020. i-Con Challenge Fund Awards of up to £25,000 were available for projects that would create impact and help build resilience in the sector, whilst engaging with a Scottish academic partner.
Six projects have been funded in Phase 1 of the fund with a combined project value of nearly £250,000, almost £125,000 awarded by CSIC to successful applicants who have designed projects covering a wide spectrum of areas including economic recovery, technology, skills and new processes. You can read more about these projects here.
The platform is still live and we continue to provide support into other funding streams and news of Phase 2 of the i-Con Challenge Fund will be released shortly.
Read more about the Coronavirus' Impact on the construction sector from our Board Member, Mark Farmer, in Cast's latest report "Construction Market Overview - The Coronavirus Impact: A New Paradigm"
Register now to detail your key challenges or provide your knowledge, expertise, ideas or solutions. Help us move the built environment to the road to recovery and build a brighter future through innovation.